Call 801-953-1987 to Reserve Now

We Understand Your Needs

Prompt Delivery

dumpster container delivery icon

Expect our containers to be right where you need them, right when you need them.  We deliver our dumpsters around your schedule, and the schedule of your clients.  This ensures your job site is running smoothly, effortlessly.

Simplified Pricing

Straightforward Dumpster Container Cost - Quote - Pricing

We offer a flat rate for each county that covers up to 3 tons and 7 days.  No complicated or hidden fees.  Order a container online and you will have instant access to your total cost.

Specialized Service


We treat each of your job sites as one of our own, while offering options to transfer your dumpster from one site to another for only $75.  Ordering is simple and easy, call us today at 801-953-1987 to book your container.

Call 801-953-1987 or Reserve your Dumpster Now!

After working in the service industry in Salt Lake City for over twenty years, we noticed a need for a quick dumpster service that understands the needs and demands a contractor faces with each construction job.  That is why we formed Blue Mountain Containers.  Now, there is a dumpster company serving Utah contractors with the same prompt and simplified service your customers have come to expect from you.

Think of us as friends and co-workers.  If you have any questions about container sizing, service area, etc, do not be afraid to call us directly at our office.  We love to hear from our customers.

You can also check out our Services page for more information about your dumpster rental.